


QR-PON is a free material site that can download QR that can be designed in full color for free.

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"Kurupon" has full-color QR codes in a variety of designs that can be used in a variety of situations. It's a code that can make your business useful, depending on your ideas. Please take advantage of it.

バーコードとQRコードの違い The difference between bar codes and QR codes


これにくらべ、QRコードは最大 7,089字(数字のみの場合)の文字を読み込むことができ、読み込める情報量の多さはバーコードを大きく上回ります。また、コード自体をフルカラーでデザインすることができ視認性がよく、印刷物に載せるのに適しています。

Barcodes, which are often used in checkout, inventory and delivery management, are processed by reading the numbers from 0 to 9 with a special device from randomly arranged bars of different thicknesses.
However, barcodes can only contain less than 20 characters of information, and can only convey the minimum necessary information such as product name, amount and quantity.

In comparison, QR codes can read up to 7,089 characters (in the case of numbers only), and the amount of information that can be read greatly exceeds that of bar codes. Also, the code itself can be designed in full color for good visibility, making it suitable for placement on printed materials.

QRコードの今後 The Future of QR Codes

非常に広範囲な内容をカバーしているQRコードは、キャンペーンサイトへの誘導、倉庫での在庫管理、医療、QRキーを用いたロッカーをはじめとする街のインフラ、あらゆるものにQRコードが使われ、 近年ではQRコードとスマホによる電子決済にも用いられはじめています。

QR codes can cover a very wide range of content, and are used to guide people to campaign sites, inventory management in warehouses, medical care, city infrastructure such as lockers using QR keys, and everything in between. In recent years, they have also been used for electronic payments using QR codes and smart phones.

電子決済にQRコードを使う有利な点は、利用者にとっては、電子マネーと違って スマートフォンの機種に制限がないこと。カメラさえついていれば利用が可能です。

The advantage of using QR codes for electronic payments is that, unlike electronic money, users are not limited by the type of smartphone they use. All you need is a camera to use it.
In addition, since electronic payment using QR codes requires only a smartphone or tablet and does not require a dedicated device, the initial cost of introduction can be reduced.


In recent years, smart phone payments using QR codes have been spreading due to the ease of use described above, but some problems have surfaced along with their spread.


In China, where the introduction of QR payments has been active, there have been many cases of fraudulent transactions in which the QR code used for payment is tampered with to defraud people of their sales. If these problems continue, it may hinder the spread of QR payments in the future.